Girl Talk – Feed the Animals

Girl Talk – Feed the Animals - 3.5
Part One:
Part Two:

14 Songs.

54 Minutes.

322 Samples. Yeah, I had you going with the Time Does Not Heal homage there, didn’t I? Anyways, what I’ve presented goes under many labels, none of which I feel comfortable using alone to describe this. This has been called glitch, mash-up, ‘post-modern mosaic of found art’, and other things, like masterpiece and the greatest dance album ever. Some of these I agree with, some, I don’t, but what Girl Talk is, is Gregg Gillis; what Gregg Gillis is, is a fan of pop music, including both classic rap, bubblegum, hair metal, radio rock and hip-pop. This made Feed the Animals a collection of songs (really one long song with convenient dividers, but more on that later) made from short samples of other songs, tied together by creative splicing.

Despite the overt pop influence on this album, hip-hop plays a far more dominant role, which means if you’re not a fan of the rhymes, you probably won’t be able to stick through this. If you do however, pay attention not to the overt blanket of attention grabbing snippets, but rather the subtle rhythm section that constantly flows, molds and holds the songs together underneath the catchy choruses of yester-year. Between finding different songs that will work together and holding all the songs together into one album, you’ve got to respect that as some kind of talent. The thought of making an entire album using 30 seconds of songs layered atop one another is frankly mind-blowing, yet Gregg pulls this off. Better then pulling it off, the album IS one long dance track, flowing seamlessly. This album is flow incarnate.

This is where the problem is; if you don’t like a particular sample, it’s gone like that. Unfortunately the same goes for samples you do like, leaving you feeling like more could have been done with some dedication. This album is great for a party or a car trip because of the variety, and the happy vibes, but it lacks originality. This could be the first time an album was made like this, and it would still feel like it’s been done before. It’s witty, layering happy poppy lyrics over angry riffs, and displays some emotional ideal of back-dropping sad songs under lyrics that have never before gotten that kind of attention. Its fun, it’s good, but it’s not great, because it’s pop. Great pop, artful pop, better pop made dregs of pop, but it lacks a unified concept to solidify the release. This makes it next to impossible to sit through a whole listening.

Recommended if you want something fun, and have no problem with blending a bunch of stuff together.
